Monday, July 25, 2011

FAD FLASH! - Snakeskin Pedicure

There's a new fad going around that involves of all things... 'SNAKES'!  The reptile has been around for ev'.  It's been on your bags and on your shoes and now it's making it's way to your toes!  Snakeskin pedicures are the new fad and women are forking out the $300 bucks it costs to have 'real' & "yes you heard me right...snakeskin sheds adhered to their toenails!"  A California manicurist, Terri Silacci of Monterey California's Euphoria Lounge Salon & Spa, came up with the idea when one of her children brought home a piece of snakeskin from science class.  She said it took her about six months to perfect the whole process which involves using 'Bio Sculpture Gel' instead of regular nail polish & a custom cut piece of snakeskin scaled to the size of each toe.  
Regardless of the fact that 'no animal' is being killed or maimed for the sake of vanity, I know that I personally don't dig the whole idea of snakeskin being adhered anywhere on 'me'. Maybe it's because I 'HATE' snakes?  




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